
Brand Partnerships

As an advocate for helping women embrace the beauty of slow living, graceful being, and slow travel, I believe partnerships have the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals.

At Gardenias & Brie, we are committed to creating a nurturing community that empowers women to embrace a more intentional lifestyle—one that fosters mindfulness, self-care, and genuine connections. Our brand philosophy revolves around the belief that slowing down, appreciating life’s simple pleasures, and staying true to oneself are vital elements for personal growth and fulfillment.

By collaborating with esteemed brands, we can combine our resources, expertise, and shared vision to offer a comprehensive range of products and experiences that cater to women seeking a more mindful and authentic existence. Together, we can inspire women across the globe to embrace the beauty of living in the present moment, while simultaneously creating meaningful memories and connections.

Here are a few key benefits of partnering with Gardenias & Brie:

  1. Audience Alignment: Our carefully cultivated audience consists of engaged and passionate women who are actively seeking products and experiences that resonate with their desire to lead more balanced, purposeful lives. By collaborating with us, your brand can tap into this niche community and extend its reach to an audience that shares similar values.
  2. Authenticity and Trust: At Gardenias & Brie, authenticity lies at the heart of everything we do. By joining forces, we can leverage the trust we have built with our community to enhance your brand’s credibility and reinforce its commitment to empowering women. Our collaboration will not only strengthen our respective brands but also foster a sense of trust and loyalty among our shared audience.
  3. Co-Branding Opportunities: Through our partnership, host joint events or workshops, and create exclusive content that showcases the unique strengths of both brands. By combining our expertise and resources, we can curate exceptional experiences that resonate deeply with our target audience.
  4. Social Impact: Together, we can drive positive change and make a lasting impact on the lives of women. By supporting causes aligned with our brand values, we can initiate social campaigns, charitable initiatives, or educational programs that empower and uplift women worldwide. Our collaboration will showcase your brand’s commitment to social responsibility and inspire others to follow suit.

I would be thrilled to discuss this collaboration opportunity further and explore ways in which our brands can mutually benefit from a partnership. I truly believe that together, we can create a powerful movement that celebrates and supports women on their journey toward embracing slow living, graceful being, and solo travel.

Thank you for considering a partnership. I look forward to the opportunity of working together and making a positive difference in the lives of women.

Collaboration extends to our upcoming magazine. See us on Instagram.

If interested in collaborating, please get in touch.

Jacqueline Tutis-Chambliss | Email: